Thursday, November 21, 2019

ArticleAbstract Assignments 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ArticleAbstract Assignments 10 - Essay Example It also follows that there is a strong correlation between the consumer demands and the presence of star players (Timothy 2007). The study builds on past research that assists in developing strategies aimed at improving marketing strategies. The analysis of game specific attendance and contrasting it to the annual average attendance facilitates the development of these strategies. Furthermore, the study complements the body of knowledge by recognizing past research on star players and extending the findings of these studies to the Major Soccer League. Timothy (2007) provides that despite the contribution of the study, it is noteworthy that the study only aimed at the short term, effects of Freddy Adu’s presence but made no attempts to study the long term results of the presence of the star in the league. The results for the short term do not reflect the actual position since the data reflect on the outcome during the early stages of the entry of the superstar. It is noteworthy that these effects might gradually fade off and make no difference in the outcome in the long

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